Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Chaser!

Hello My Readers!!!

Yes it has been a minute but I am back!!! I have been pushed to start a discussion about The Chaser! Now when I reference "The Chaser" I'm talking about the chaser in a courtship between two people. Anyway I sent out an email blast to male and female friends, co-workers, and family to get as many opinions as I could on this topic.While probing the minds of many of the outspoken people that happened to be included on my email,  I have found that many of their ideas of whom should be the chaser in a courtship took me by surprise. The response was hilarious to me! In a good way!!

I'd have to say that I was very surprised by the fact that I thought that everyone would have the same idea which would be that the man should be the chaser......Well, while I did get a few people that believe that, I received more responses where people thought that either both parties should be the chaser at some point during the "getting to know" phase or that whichever person is the most interested in the other person should be the chaser. Boy was I surprised.

Many of the men alluded to how they felt that although a man should show interest in a women if he is indeed interested, he should not have to chase her. That chasing her is only a process of trying to prove to her that he is worthy of her time and energy and if that is the case shouldn't a women be proving the same thing? I had to laugh. My first thought was do I know these people that are making these ridiculous comments....yes, yes I do. 

Many of the women also surprised me. I was 100% confident that my ladies would share the same thought that I did, which is that a man is suppose to pursue. Well nope, that was not the case. While some shared my thought a surprising number of them explained the process of chasing as something in the past....(I was confused and laughed again.) As one of my email recipients wrote (Let me inform you of something.) So I was INFORMED that men do not want to put in the work of chasing a woman only to find out that she was not worth chasing. Another female was adamant that woman needed to go after what and who they wanted without being "thirsty." Her logic was if a woman is interested then why not? I'll keep my thoughts as to "why not" to myself for now.....No I won't

I I KNOW a man should be the chaser in a courtship for many reasons. A man is suppose to go and find his wife this requires action.Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. A man being the pursuer is the proper thing to do. My nature a man is a hunter. They like a challenge and have to work for things for them to be appreciated.  It kills me when a man can let the phrase "Let a man be a man" roll of his tongue without any thought behind it, but when it's time to do so they don't want to put in the work. Give me a break! I guess that phrase should really be "Let a man be a man......when it's convenient for him." 

My question to you is:

Should the man, woman, or both parties do the chasing in a courtship