Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Who recovers better from heartbreak Men or Women?

Many of us have had the unfortunate feeling of having our hearts broken. Some of us were able to put the pieces back together and give this “love” thing another try. Other’s (men) in my opinion have let the feeling of heartbreak completely take away their efforts to fall in love again. It seems to me that men have a harder time dealing with and getting over a broken heart.

Recently my friend Dave was faced with the fact that his girl of 5 years was cheating on him. It hit him like a ton of bricks! He didn't see it coming because in his mind they were on a break and working on getting their relationship back on track. Dave has now self proclaimed himself to be a playa! He's even said to me that he'll never let another women hurt him again. He's just gonna "have fun." Dave is not my only male friend that feels this way. I have another friend, Markus that was hurt by a woman years ago. He still hasn't been in another relationship since then. He's dated some decent women, but he won't allow himself to take it to the next level with the fear of getting hurt......AGAIN.

It's no secret that men deal with heartbreak differently than how women deal with heartbreak. Women deal with the pain right away. Women have the luxury of being able to release their emotions of sadness, hurt, and pain amongst their close friends and family, which allows us to work our way through the process. A man's not gonna pick up the phone and call their homeboy and cry and complain about their girl and how she’s hurt him. So they are left with having to put on a front of being ok even though they aren't. They keep busy, hang out, meet other women to make it appear that things are all good, but at the end of the day they are still left with all the hurt and pain with no release/or outlet. Women, can you imagine having your heart broken by the man of your dreams and not having anywhere to turn to express your hurt, sadness, and confusion? I couldn't. 

Yes, women are naturally more emotional than men, which may make it seem like we take heartbreak harder, but in all honesty a man never really deals with the pain of being hurt. This is why I believe once a man is heartbroken; they condition themselves not to give 100% in future relationships, not to say they don’t move on and love again, but they never fully let their guard down to truly FALL in love again.

It's funny when you think about it! When women deal with heartbreak we somehow find a way to not only get over it and move on. We also allow ourselves to truly give love a chance in the future. With a man it's not that easy. When a man gets his heat broken he vows to never let it happen again, he deems all women as no good and he conditions himself to never fall in love again. This type of behavior leads to some men being emotionally unavailable for the next women. They somehow think that they only get one chance at love and since that didn't work; it's no need to try again because the pain of heart ache is too much. This way of thinking ultimately never allows a man to truly recover from heartbreak thus never fully giving his heart completely to anyone else!

What are your thoughts? Do you think men and women deal with heartbreak the same? Do you think people allow heartbreak to hinder them from truly loving in the future?