Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Is Cheating More Accepted In The World We Live In Today?

Have we entered into a time where cheating has become so much of the norm that some of us have conditioned ourselves to believe that cheating is okay in certain situations?

I haven’t come across anyone that has admitted to having an open relationship or that has said straight up “I let my significant other cheat.” I have however, come across people that have said things like “As long as I don’t see him/her cheating, then I’m okay with that,” or “A man will be a man.” I’ve even heard the justification that “Everybody cheats,” Which indicates to me that cheating is accepted in that relationship.

Is it true, does everyone cheat? Is cheating better if you never find out about it? Are there different levels of cheating?  Also would you handle a boyfriend/girlfriend cheating differently than a husband/wife cheating?

For those of you in relationships, how do you feel about your partner stepping out on you? Is it accepted to some degree? How about if you guys are "taking time apart" does that make it okay then? What about those of you NOT currently in a relationship. Would you deal with someone that you KNEW was in a relationship? I mean if you really think about it, YOUR not the cheating!!!

What are your thoughts on the whole cheating in relationships in general?